Thanks to the idea of two young Sicilians, Giovanni Milazzo and Antonio Caruso, the start-up “Kanèsis” was born, which produces bioplastics derived from the union of hemp with other vegetable waste materials. Kanèsis offers an eco-sustainable and 100% compostable plastic that enters the already present market of bioplastics with corn starch and sugar cane, but with an extra gear, being hemp mainly made up of cellulose and therefore much more versatile than others bioplastics. It also benefits from a cultivation with a very low environmental impact, drastically reducing carbon dioxide emissions Click here to visit this site.
“HempBioPlastic” HBP is the name of the natural brown hemp filament, without industrial dyes, non-toxic, light, resistant and above all biodegradable. The first prototype dates back to 2015 and is based on the concept of circular and sustainable economy, i.e. creating an industrial product with materials from the Earth and respectful of the Earth itself. Just as it was for the “Hemp Body Car“, the car prototype designed by Henry Ford in 1932 with chassis and body made thanks to the processing of soybeans and hemp Vegan CBD Gummies.
Today more than ever, Ford’s intuition proves to be a necessity: our seas and its inhabitants are in extreme danger: it is estimated that in less than 30 years we will have oceans inhabited by plastic instead of fish. We are already in the full upheaval of the terrestrial ecosystem!
The use of hemp fiber to produce paper dates back to more than 2,000 years ago; the first copies of Gutenberg’s Bible, made between 1453 and 1455, were made with hemp pulp, as well as the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America of 1776 and the French Constitution of 1791. The quality of the paper of hemp is exceptional because it is a thin paper, very resistant and durable over time, compared to that produced by other plants. Furthermore, it does not require chemical bleaching due to the already naturally clear pulp.
Another factor not to be overlooked is that the cultivation of the hemp plant is ethically and ecologically more advantageous for the environment and man: for equal quantities compared to cotton or flax plantations, hemp produces cellulose four times as much,
In Italy Sandro Tiberi, craftsman of the historic paper mill of Fabriano, has plans to start a chain for the processing of hemp cellulose, using only Italian raw materials. The idea is in collaboration with the Municipality of Fabriano for fundraising. A project that we hope will start very soon, effectively contributing to the decrease in deforestation practices.