Why Companies Perform Random Drug Testing
Drug testing is a way that employers can protect their company and its employees while on the job. Job safety has always been a concern, especially in the manufacturing, construction, and transportation industries. Random drug tests serve as safeguards by monitoring employee behavior during work hours.
The process typically involves obtaining a urine sample from each individual to be tested for drugs that may impair performance or create health risks for the company’s workers, such as cocaine, marijuana, or opiates. If an individual fails the urine test, then companies typically will ask for an additional blood sample to establish if the person was under the influence of other drugs before taking the drug test. The best synthetic urine kits are often used to pass workplace drug screens.
Drug testing usually occurs after the hiring process and before an individual is scheduled to start. After a person has passed a drug test, the company will issue a code that the employee must give to their supervisor in order to take the physical skills test. After the test results are obtained, any individual who has failed the drug test is disqualified from further assessments such as drug tests and physical skills tests by law. If an employee refuses or fails a drug test, then they must inform Human Resources before being asked to take one again.
Random drug testing may be conducted in American workplaces if there is reasonable suspicion or prima facie evidence of substance abuse on the part of employees. Best Synthetic Urine is a common method used by employers because it is generally easier to administer than urine testing. Urine tests have the potential for incorrect results, and this is why employers prefer synthetic urine.
Drug testing may also be performed at will by some employers to check for possible drug use, even if there is no reasonable suspicion that drugs are being used. The courts have specifically held companies to a duty of non-discrimination in situations where employees are tested without reasonable suspicion of drug use or after the termination of employment has occurred.
Facilities in various countries throughout the world have been using synthetic urine tests in attempts to deter illegal drug usage. Some of these facilities include:
Drug testing is criticized because it can be used to unfairly discriminate against certain groups (for example, minorities). If a company tests several minority employees, it might be difficult to argue that ethnicity was not a motivating factor behind the decision to conduct the tests.
In conclusion, random drug testing can be a great tool for protecting the well-being of employers. When employed correctly, an organization can use random drug testing to maintain a safe work environment, prevent employees from impaired performance, and detect and deter illegal drug usage. However, employees should be aware of their rights when undergoing random drug testing in regard to reasonable suspicion.